Monday, June 21, 2010
Semester Reflection Part 1
I learned I work great in groups and I can do any roll required at that time. I also learned I am more of a visual learner especially for math. If I where to be shown what I need to do for a problem it’s easier to learn for me then when taught on a white board with half steps and half talking. My thinking process is quick and sometimes I’ll write down random notes that help and make since at the time but later do not. I will work on this for next year so I can do better senior year.
· What is your greatest strength as a student in a project-based learning environment?
I know I am not the most creative but I like doing something original for an example engineering every group did a car except my group and one other. I think its good to have that variety or everything would be too similar and easy since it is all the same thing. Sometimes it might be too difficult but I’m proud of trying something different even if it is harder.
· What challenges do you face as a student in a project-based learning environment?
I think the most challenging thing is procrastination I went to the middle school and am used to having a week or longer to work on a project and it seems I slowly just put more and more stuff off tell the last minute. I know I procrastinate and I am working on it by setting up reminders on my phone but still its so easy to procrastination and put off a project until later.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Writing Reflection
I think just before writing the entire essay I need to think on how I can keep it interesting and put that into the writing. Get the story idea and how it will draw people into the story before writing it and adding that in as I go.
I really improved on wording and just how to make an essay more professional. Before I came to this school I was home schooled and I never had to write any essays and rarely stories. I think I’ve slowly have become a better writer and this year helped a lot especially since we have written so many pieces about all different things.
I think I also improved my format on sentence and paragraph format there was a lot I didn't know and learning all these different techniques helped. Hopefully next year I'll learn more and sound even more professional then I am now.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Historical Reflections
He would probably say this quote all the time to get the class working.
“It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.”
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Monday, June 7, 2010
Literary Reflections...
I think I would choose Tom Joad for a friend or roommate because he seems pretty relaxed and easy going but when threatened he can take care of himself. He doesn't like funny business but he is still polite most of the time. I myself am more relaxed and I think it would be a good friend to have in college and in case something happens he would be a good friend to have your back. He killed someone in self defense and seemed to not regret it or feel terrible about it. He didn't kill for fun but in defense so I think that some one you don't want to mess with. He also seemed like he was smart about average things and had a good awareness to where he knew what he was talking about and saw what was happening.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Post Trial Reflection
It seemed their main argument and evidence was the McDonalds raid. However they did have some moral perspectives thrown in with a few facts too. Most facts were in the US Constitution and were short and in a generalization about people as a whole.
2. Summarize the facts of the case, as presented by the defense. Include relevant witnesses and testimony.
The Defense used a lot of facts from the House and the Senate bill that they were defending. They also had facts such as a nationwide survey. They also had some moral and logical things put into theirs such as what the people on bordering towns would think and how it can be dangerous for the illegal immigrants and the citizens.
3. What was the most significant piece of evidence, in your personal opinion?
The most significant part was that when Ben read that part of the constitution saying treat all people equal.
4. What was the most significant argument made, in your opinion?
I think that biggest argument they had was on how they organized their selection for the illegal immigrants and how it was wrong. It might have not been the most important thing they could have focused on but it seemed like a strong point. However it did help their side considerably from that point.
5. What do you personally believe the correct verdict should be? Do you agree with the jury? Why or why not?
I do agree that it is wrong but until we can find another way that it should stay and nothing should change. We need someway to find them and at least we aren’t raiding houses or being violent we just take them in for a few questions and if they are legal they can go back to their business. This way works and until we find a better way we should not remove these laws from the state of Arizona.
I think I deserve a 45 out of 50 points because I focused on each part of the entire case thoroughly, I had my own opinions even though I was the only one I shared them, and I did not take sides because of friends I voted for the side I thought was right. I could have done better at taking notes I do remember most of the stuff they went over however during the jury deliberates it would have been nice to know the exact names of events, evidence, or witnesses.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
WW2 letters
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Semester DOS, Blog #15

I think WWII came out with a lot of technologies like nuclear power, jet engines, tanks, other vehicles, and even new medicine and ways to practice it. Are world is completely different because of wars. An example would be radiomen who were just for wars and then became for cars and now are small portable cell phones. Wars get countries advanced for fighting. However once the war is over a lot of things can turn into great uses for the public. Another example would be jets. Invented in Germany and used for war but now they have commercial airplanes that take thousands of people around the world everyday.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Semester DOS, Blog #14
· Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated and because of laws and allegiances the only way to solve the murder and prove their own points. So Germany and Austria-Hungry went to war against the rest of the world.
· Germany and Austria-Hungry lasted against the rest of the world for four years of fighting before they surrendered. France lasted one.
· Both sides started using chemical warfare
· Planes and tanks where just starting to get used in WWI
· WWII with Germany having to repay all the damage they did to France in the Great War they did not like the French. As soon as their restrictions on military size stopped they built it up and started WWII for revenge.
· France also did terrible in WWII forced to surrender from Germany.
2. What do you hope to learn about these wars?
· More info on how they started
· Statistics
3. How/Why are these wars important today? How do they impact and/or inform our world today? hint: think about alliances, democracies around the world, cultures, international institutions, nuclear (and other) technologies, etc.
· From these wars it formed alliances
· With great destruction, death, and money loss countries seem to avoid major wars now and compromise.
· It also changed governments for example the Bolshevik overthrew their previous government during WWI and it became the Soviet Union that were communists.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Semester TWO, Blog #13 (GOW Final Essay)
The Grapes of Wrath is a book that shows the side of the farmers that get kicked out of their homes. Once kicked out they hear of work in California so thousands head west. The book mostly stays on one family called the Joads, it seems they have the worst luck possible. The book does make you feel sorry for them and you do want to know what happens but something kills the mood. That thing is the “zoomed out” chapters, which talk about things and people as a whole no one specific. Some of these are about dust some about a turtle and others about cars salesmen’s thoughts as they sell cars. Of course these chapters foreshadow and symbolize however when it talks about these random events it gets boring and fast.
The first chapter of the book is about the great dust bowl and how it ruins the crops for the farmers. It does inform you about what is happening and you do feel sorry for them but a simple description would have been fine. The second chapter you meet the main character but it seems you follow someone else until the last couple pages. Once you get to the sixth chapter you learn the main story. You also meet the rest of the family and main characters. The sixth chapter, that’s almost one-third through the book.
The story on the family is good but with those random chapters it slows the book down. When it “zooms out” I tend to zone out. Some of these “zoomed out” chapters don’t even have full sentences or proper English. When reading a book you should be able to get into it and understand it. In this book as soon as it gets a little interesting another random chapter comes and you get bored and don’t want to read on again.
I think it did show you what happened and that it was to a wide range of people not just the Joads. However it makes the book way longer and it at least annoys me to almost stop from reading through the entire book. So it helps a little bit but I think it stops people from wanting to read the entire book. The impact is major, at least for some of my fellow classmates and I. It slows or can even stop people from reading this book. This book gave a lot of attention to the less fortunate during the great depression so it should be good if it is to give or gave sympathy.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Semester TWO, Blog #13 (GOW Final Essay)
The Grapes of Wrath
To the Point?
The Grapes of Wrath is a book that shows the side of the farmers that get kicked out of their homes. Once kicked out they hear of work in California so thousands head west. The book mostly stays on one family called the Joads, it seems they have the worst luck possible. The book does make you feel sorry for them and you do want to know what happens but something kills the mood. That thing is the “zoomed out” chapters, which talk about things and people as a whole no one specific. Some of these are about dust some about a turtle and others about cars salesmen’s thoughts as they sell cars. Of course these chapters foreshadow and symbolize however when it talks about these random events it gets boring and fast.
The first chapter of the book is about the great dust bowl and how it ruins the crops for the farmers. It does inform you about what is happening and you do feel sorry for them but a simple description would have been fine. The second chapter you meet the main character but it seems you follow someone else until the last couple pages. Once you get to the sixth chapter you learn the main story. You also meet the rest of the family and main characters. The sixth chapter, that’s almost one-third through the book.
The story on the family is good but with those random chapters it slows the book down. When it “zooms out” I tend to zone out. Some of these “zoomed out” chapters don’t even have full sentences or proper English. When reading a book you should be able to get into it and understand it. In this book as soon as it gets a little interesting another random chapter comes and you get bored and don’t want to read on again.
I think it did show you what happened and that it was to a wide range of people not just the Joads. However it makes the book way longer and it at least annoys me to almost stop from reading through the entire book. So it helps a little bit but I think it stops people from wanting to read the entire book. The impact is major, at least for some of my fellow classmates and I. It slows or can even stop people from reading this book. This book gave a lot of attention to the less fortunate during the great depression so it should be good if it is to give or gave sympathy.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Semester TWO, Blog #12
One of the "public works projects" was TVA the Tennessee Valley Association. It helped employ people and since it included having different things like power plants out their the utility got cheaper. Others were hospitals and dams too. They were also government funded and run by government.
Some stuff they can do these days are maybe add more wind generators out near Palm Springs and with a crew of people making them having a maintenance crew for the new ones as well. We also could have people fixing up California's roads like Obama said he would.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Semester TWO, Blog #10
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Semester TWO, HONORS History Blog #1
It seems that you want change and the people want change however the congress isn’t letting too many of your bills pass. Here are some good ideas to possibly improve your success rate. If your not getting bills passed maybe work were it helps all people and it fits all points of view not just yours or a couple. Also See what all citizens want, make sure you get all points of view as well not just a couple.
When writing bills make sure it helps all people not just some because if it doesn’t help all, it might not pass when the congress looks over it. Also you seem to say you can do it and come up with these things before congress pass them. Maybe don’t act so blindly confident on acts and bills before there are passed. No one likes unfulfilled promises that happen over and over again.
Like Franklin Delano Roosevelt who went across country finding what all people needed from city folk to farmers. Giving electricity to those way out counties with farms, and different jobs for getting it out there. Look around go to the people and where they are and come up with what they need don’t just try to rearrange tax or come up with new Medicare plans. Franklin Delano Roosevelt also kept it confident but realistic don’t over embellish things before they are done.
Semester TWO, Blog #9
Semester TWO, Blog #6
"I killed a guy. Seven years. I'm sprung in four for keepin' my nose clean."
I'm guessing that he is not someone to mess with.
"That big old nose of yours been stickin' out eight miles ahead of your face."
He doesn't like nosey people or people that talk nonsense or repetitive talking.
"you're talkin' sense,.""Every' word you say is sense. But, Jesus, I hate to get pushed around! I lots rather take a sock at Willy"
He seems smart knows how to pick his fights and when to step down.
"An old turtle, Picked him up on the road. An old bulldozer. Thought I'd take 'im to my little brother. Kids like turtles."
He is thoughtfully of his family and seems to have respect not some mean psycho murderer that does it fun.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Semester TWO, Blog #8
Here for obama info
FDR info was from the packet.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Semester TWO, Blog #7
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Internship Photo Essay
At the beginning of internship I was very nervous and didn’t know what kind of work I would do at Caltrans. I didn’t even know if I could do the work that I would be assigned. However I did know I would take a street biking class, which made me even more worried. As the day went on and I met more people, I walked by different cubicles with people piling their work high and all over. I got even more nervous thinking how am I going to do work like that. I’ve never had a job like this before; all I’ve had for experience is school. I went to lunch one day with a few people and they all seemed very into their work, talking about it and all not even considering it work. I was getting into it as well too thinking that this is interesting and that maybe the work wont be so bad since
As I got my work I made sure to lay it out neat and in order and then I would read over it. It took a while getting a feel of all the acronyms that are used and the different roads Caltrans was having me work with. But I learned bit-by-bit as I got to work and I kept all my things organized as I went on. I was learning how to use the programs that they use there, read the maps with coordinates to and find what and where I am looking for, and how to live and work an office job. So far so good I thought, as the first few days ended and it seemed all right not too much work that I couldn’t handle and the people were friendly and helped me out when I needed it.
I had brought my own little notebook to take notes to help me with the process as well. It gave me hints on where to go and where to look. It helped a lot and made sure I got things done fast and accurately as well, it was a great organizer. Another thing was the computer, I didn’t have an account of my own but I still was able to use it here and there. I of course kept all files in order with helpful names on the computer too about all things even my notes I typed up just to make it look better. I also kept different parts of my desk space for specific things so I wouldn’t misplace too many things. For example Caltrans maps on the right and on the left notes and maps of a smaller and more specific location. After a few more days I realized I could do this work and its quite fun getting along with people. Hearing little conversations about random things over the top of their cubicles as they talked back and forth with no sight of each other.
Once finished with the work in the cubical I got to put my work to use out in the field. It was very kind of them to let me go look at this stuff in person after starring at it on paper for so long. I got my own uniform that I had to where when out on the field, which was neat. I also used my notebook here, taking notes on what I needed to look at. Some of the stuff I needed to look at was trash or other vandalism, another thing was making sure people were not abandoning vehicles. It was mostly just making sure the sites where in good condition and met the standards (almost all did). Sometimes a sign fell because of strong wind or we couldn’t find a bus stop sign that we were supposed to look at, so we would just write a note and in the end call up and report or ask where the sign was.
I got to go out in one of those Caltrans cars that you see every once in a while on the side of the road. Driving around on the road was also was fun since it seemed to me I got to be working on the road, instead of just driving by and seeing them work. We went all around down to the border, way up to Encinitas, then over to Escondido. I looked at different sites met even more people and took some good notes. All this helped me and Caltrans and I realized I was getting along with every one and doing the work no problem. In just a couple weeks I became good friends with my coworkers and also learned how to work in an office. I had it organized well done and when I was done with my internship I realized I had no problems doing any of the work the entire time I was their.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Semester TWO, Blog #4
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Internship Interview
Out in the field watching out for you and your transportation
Mike E. Roy: Transportation Planner
Out in the field watching out for you and your transportation
Michael Roy is a Caltrans Employee his job is a Transportation planner in the planning division of the CalTrans District 11, which is located in Old Town, the facility consists of three buildings each several floors which all connect with bridges. The design for this site is very modern. He supervises all Park and Rides and also looks over other projects. His job as the supervisor for the Park and Ride’s requires him to go into the field frequently. Simple jeans with a casual shirt works since being out in the field could get damaged or dirty.
Since Mike has worked at Cal Trans for many years he knows a lot about the company. When not in the field he spends much of his time in a cubical of the 4th floor office-building number 2. The atmosphere is easy going; no frenzied rush or a boss that demands work that needs to be done that minute. People walk around calm, politely, and talk to each other about work or basic day to day things. Following is an interview with mike about him and his career and his advice on what one should look for when choosing a place of employment.
Did your college degree help you with the job you have know?
Well not directly associated with what I’m doing now. I have a Bachelors in history and in political science I had a double major. So it’s not directly related to what I’m doing now. Although in my political science class I had some public administration classes and it helps me with my job responsibilities I have now.
When applying for jobs what benefits like health insurance or retirement plans should you look for?
You should always whatever perspective job you’re applying for look at their insurance program and their retirement package as well. See what benefits they provide and of course that’s the key factor in any ones employment. I think you should be looking towards a strong retirement and strong health programs in order because that would certainly be the foundation of any employment you’re seeking.
Do you see any improvements that could be made here at Caltrans?
Well I don’t know that I would say it needs to be improved upon necessarily. But for instance the intern program for yourself and a lot of interns from UCSD that’s, were most of our interns come from. I personally feel that if they could get a more diverse exposure to the division, that it could benefit them quite a bit. Rather then just keep them in one branch. Maybe diversify there exposure to all the different branches within planning. I think it would be more beneficial to the division as well as the intern. So if you want an area of improvement I think that’s were we could improve in.
What were some good choices that led you to this job?
I have been working for the state now for about 35 years. I was working as a supervisor for about the last 17 years in the toll collection at the Coronado Bridge. They did away with the tolls on the bridge so I was placed in the planning division. Afterwards I was able to obtain the possession I have now as a Transportation Planner.
So you didn’t choose planning out of other divisions?
I didn’t choose it but I’m glad I’m here because it’s a very nice division to work for and the people are very friendly and I really enjoy the work I’m doing now.
How long did it take you to find out this is the job for you?
I felt this is a good fit when I first came in, like I said the management and just the general staff are very cordial, very helpful, and it’s my personal opinion that this division is the best division in the department. I’ve never been denied help when ever I needed it from anyone. They’ve all been very agreeable to help me at any time.
What percentage of work is meetings compared to field work and paper work?
Well I think most other people are probably involved in more meetings then I am. I’m involved with primarily our own headquarters. We have periodic meetings for Park and ride coordinators and on occasion go to meetings for individual cities, if we have some sort of project going with that city. I do attend those meetings on occasion however not as frequently as most of the other people here. And I think this division as a whole it is pretty equal. Well I probably do more field work then most people in this division, most other people are involved with paper work, at their desk, and also at meetings. There probably more involved in that then I am primarily.
So most people don’t have as much fieldwork as you do?
Not in this division but in other divisions like Construction, Traffic Operations and Environmental.. Those are probably more involved in field work by in large our division as a whole.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Semester TWO, Blog #2
The work he does inside, is in an office building with lots of other people, almost all of them are in cubicles. It is easy going, no chaotic rushing or boss yelling down demands that need to be done that minute. People walk around calm, politely, and talk to each other about work or basic day to day things. Even the people in upper management seem very friendly and outgoing.
Some questions I have:
How long should these intros be?
Is it extremely bad if some questions were somewhat answered in the intro?
How to I find my Partners blog?(please comment answer ASAP)
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Semester TWO, Blog #1
Simon Phipps interview Here
After reading those three interviews I think they do have a lot of editing. However it is good because it makes it a lot more smooth and answers your questions. They also showed the interviewees feelings or perspective kind of just by the way they typed out what they said. I like the bio they have before starting the interview but some of them just too long and that is why I picked this Bill Watterson one because they bio is simple and to the point. The reason I choose this Linux interview is because the answers are all reasonable lengths not just a sentence response but not too long. Where as in some you have four pages to flip through with long responses and sometime not even answering the question.