Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Semester TWO, HONORS History Blog #1

Dear Barrack Obama,

It seems that you want change and the people want change however the congress isn’t letting too many of your bills pass. Here are some good ideas to possibly improve your success rate. If your not getting bills passed maybe work were it helps all people and it fits all points of view not just yours or a couple. Also See what all citizens want, make sure you get all points of view as well not just a couple.
When writing bills make sure it helps all people not just some because if it doesn’t help all, it might not pass when the congress looks over it. Also you seem to say you can do it and come up with these things before congress pass them. Maybe don’t act so blindly confident on acts and bills before there are passed. No one likes unfulfilled promises that happen over and over again.
Like Franklin Delano Roosevelt who went across country finding what all people needed from city folk to farmers. Giving electricity to those way out counties with farms, and different jobs for getting it out there. Look around go to the people and where they are and come up with what they need don’t just try to rearrange tax or come up with new Medicare plans. Franklin Delano Roosevelt also kept it confident but realistic don’t over embellish things before they are done.

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