Thursday, October 22, 2009

MSB comments, ideas, plans, critiques and more!

From Hallie Chavis and MSB Questions, It gave me some idea's to look at a wider search for projects I could work on. When some one mentioned the Gyro i thought that's interesting and moved on and just took it as that questions been done. How ever she took it to the next level and asked more questions like are there more then one?
Her idea's where well written out simple to understand and had good questions.

From Shanna McCue and Possible MSB Products, I took from this that there can be more then the few ways that you said to take a picture. Yes I knew that there were different styles when taking a picture but I didn't think about painting, or using Photoshop, or any of those other side styles out there that are a little more complex.
This seems like a very neat and unique idea easy to follow however painting might take some time.

From Ben wasserman & Some Product Ideas, This helps and reminds to be very specific and have it understadble also. Detail is importent dont just have a picture of something though and you know what it means have it so when some one see's it they know what it means.
His is good clear what he wants shows you good examples and tells you just what you need to know.

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