Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Industrialization and Coastal Environments

So three years ago, when Allegheny Energy decided to install scrubbers to clean the plant’s air emissions, environmentalists were overjoyed. The technology would spray water and chemicals through the plant’s chimneys, trapping more than 150,000 tons of pollutants each year before they escaped into the sky.

1. There are these coal plants and they used to have tons of acid rain with thick layers landing on people and their property. Now with these Scrubbers they clean it before released into the air but these cleaning products are released into rivers that supply people nearby with fresh water. Now that environmentalists got one thing done they are moving to the next thing to complain about, the pollution of the scrubbers.

2. They do not show the plants perspective since the writer is for the environmentalists. They have no quotes trying to support their side.

3. Contact the people in the article to find out what went on from there one person I believe I could contact them through the website.


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