Monday, June 21, 2010

Semester Reflection Part 1

· What have you learned about the way you learn, work, and/or collaborate?

I learned I work great in groups and I can do any roll required at that time. I also learned I am more of a visual learner especially for math. If I where to be shown what I need to do for a problem it’s easier to learn for me then when taught on a white board with half steps and half talking. My thinking process is quick and sometimes I’ll write down random notes that help and make since at the time but later do not. I will work on this for next year so I can do better senior year.

· What is your greatest strength as a student in a project-based learning environment?

I know I am not the most creative but I like doing something original for an example engineering every group did a car except my group and one other. I think its good to have that variety or everything would be too similar and easy since it is all the same thing. Sometimes it might be too difficult but I’m proud of trying something different even if it is harder.

· What challenges do you face as a student in a project-based learning environment?

I think the most challenging thing is procrastination I went to the middle school and am used to having a week or longer to work on a project and it seems I slowly just put more and more stuff off tell the last minute. I know I procrastinate and I am working on it by setting up reminders on my phone but still its so easy to procrastination and put off a project until later.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Writing Reflection

I think ampersand was a big piece for every one and that most people did all right with their paper. I did try following the tips I tried avoiding ing and not using sledgehammer words. I did avoid some but there were a few I just couldn’t get rid of. I think for a future goal I need to work on having a bigger engine and make it more interesting. I can follow the tips and I can have it descriptive however I just seem used to only writing boring essays.

I think just before writing the entire essay I need to think on how I can keep it interesting and put that into the writing. Get the story idea and how it will draw people into the story before writing it and adding that in as I go.

I really improved on wording and just how to make an essay more professional. Before I came to this school I was home schooled and I never had to write any essays and rarely stories. I think I’ve slowly have become a better writer and this year helped a lot especially since we have written so many pieces about all different things.

I think I also improved my format on sentence and paragraph format there was a lot I didn't know and learning all these different techniques helped. Hopefully next year I'll learn more and sound even more professional then I am now.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Historical Reflections

If I could choose a professor for me in college that was from history it would be FDR (Franklin D. Roosevelt). He of course does good talks he got into presidency for that so he it would be good for learning. He would probably teach humanities. He also went around to the public and saw what towns wanted and needed. With seeing it he helped them and made them better. If he was my college professor he would probably be able to help me specifically and the others in the class and that would be great.

He would probably say this quote all the time to get the class working.

“It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.”
Franklin D. Roosevelt

Monday, June 7, 2010

Literary Reflections...

If you could bring one character from any one book that we have read this year with you when you go to college, who would bring? Why?

I think I would choose Tom Joad for a friend or roommate because he seems pretty relaxed and easy going but when threatened he can take care of himself. He doesn't like funny business but he is still polite most of the time. I myself am more relaxed and I think it would be a good friend to have in college and in case something happens he would be a good friend to have your back. He killed someone in self defense and seemed to not regret it or feel terrible about it. He didn't kill for fun but in defense so I think that some one you don't want to mess with. He also seemed like he was smart about average things and had a good awareness to where he knew what he was talking about and saw what was happening.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Post Trial Reflection

1. Summarize the facts of the case, as presented by the prosecution. Include relevant witnesses and testimony.

It seemed their main argument and evidence was the McDonalds raid. However they did have some moral perspectives thrown in with a few facts too. Most facts were in the US Constitution and were short and in a generalization about people as a whole.

2. Summarize the facts of the case, as presented by the defense. Include relevant witnesses and testimony.

The Defense used a lot of facts from the House and the Senate bill that they were defending. They also had facts such as a nationwide survey. They also had some moral and logical things put into theirs such as what the people on bordering towns would think and how it can be dangerous for the illegal immigrants and the citizens.

3. What was the most significant piece of evidence, in your personal opinion?

The most significant part was that when Ben read that part of the constitution saying treat all people equal.

4. What was the most significant argument made, in your opinion?

I think that biggest argument they had was on how they organized their selection for the illegal immigrants and how it was wrong. It might have not been the most important thing they could have focused on but it seemed like a strong point. However it did help their side considerably from that point.

5. What do you personally believe the correct verdict should be? Do you agree with the jury? Why or why not?

I do agree that it is wrong but until we can find another way that it should stay and nothing should change. We need someway to find them and at least we aren’t raiding houses or being violent we just take them in for a few questions and if they are legal they can go back to their business. This way works and until we find a better way we should not remove these laws from the state of Arizona.

I think I deserve a 45 out of 50 points because I focused on each part of the entire case thoroughly, I had my own opinions even though I was the only one I shared them, and I did not take sides because of friends I voted for the side I thought was right. I could have done better at taking notes I do remember most of the stuff they went over however during the jury deliberates it would have been nice to know the exact names of events, evidence, or witnesses.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

WW2 letters

I am my self for this letter I will be a private first class of the US Army Rangers 2nd Regiment. They were the people to lead the way for d day. I will write my letter the day before the rangers part of the assault. Nervous since its a suicide mission talking to unknown still. It is only my regiment and we get there two days before any other division or regiment shows up.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Semester DOS, Blog #15

I think WWII came out with a lot of technologies like nuclear power, jet engines, tanks, other vehicles, and even new medicine and ways to practice it. Are world is completely different because of wars. An example would be radiomen who were just for wars and then became for cars and now are small portable cell phones. Wars get countries advanced for fighting. However once the war is over a lot of things can turn into great uses for the public. Another example would be jets. Invented in Germany and used for war but now they have commercial airplanes that take thousands of people around the world everyday.